Krista Kehoe  

Certified Life Coach
for Equestrians
I help equestrians create a stable life in AND out of the saddle. 
"Get out of your head and into the arena."

Does This Sound Like You?

"My goals feel out of reach."
"This used to be more fun."

"I don't feel like I belong."
"Everyone is judging me."

"Maybe I shouldn't ride."
"I'm ruining this horse."
"They're better riders."
"What if I fall?"

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Mindset is Your
Missing Link

More About Krista...

 Change The Quality of Your
"Stable Life"

You're living the life of your dreams--kind of.  

On the outside it looks great but inside you're looking for more:

-time with your horse

You keep trying new things, but you haven't yet considered that the SOLUTIONS are an INSIDE JOB.

You have the horse(s) and you're set up with a trainer and a support system for your riding skills--but what about how you feel on a daily basis?

🐴 You can put your horse in training but your trainer can't change the way you feel about yourself as a rider.

🐴 You can change barns to have access to a better community but moving doesn't create a sense of belonging.

🐴 You can ride the safest horse in the barn but still feel nervous.

Mindset coaching addresses beliefs you have that generate feelings in your body and compel you to take action.

Your mindset is either helping you get into the arena or it's keeping you on the sidelines with doubt, judgment or indecision.

The challenges you face as an equestrian are unique and you need a life coach who understands the horse world.

It all starts with a private 1:1 consultation.

More About Krista...
Schedule Your Private 1:1 Consultation

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